There are many ways to serve at Oneida First UMC

Continued Haiti Relief Efforts


Serve in Worship


Do you like to sing? Join our church choir as they lead us in worship during our 10:30 services. The choir rehearses on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. for the upcoming worship service. All are welcome!

Children's Bell Choir

The children's bell choir is open to children and youth mid-elementary age and up. The children's bell choir meets Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. in the upstairs choir room.

Adult Bell Choir

We’re looking for adult ringers!
Our group rings several times a year!
Contact Tandi Paugh if you are interested in joining.

Join the adult bell choir! Our adult bell choir meets Sunday evenings from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in the upstairs choir room.

Lay Readers

Are you comfortable speaking in front of people? Do you enjoy scripture being read out loud? Volunteer to be one of our weekly Lay Readers. The Lay Reader assists in worship through leading unison prayers and reading the first scripture lesson.


Youth in our congregation are encouraged to participate as our Sunday morning acolytes, The acolytes carry the lighted tapers into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service and light the Christ candles. They accompany the pastor on the chancel and assist with worship.

Serve in Christian Education

Sunday School Teachers

Our Sunday School program offers a unique opportunity for teachers to commit to short periods of teaching. Each teacher commits to as little as four weeks for each rotation. If you are interested in teaching, please contact Pastor Colleen.

Youth Group Adults

Do you love teens? Would you like an opportunity to invest in the lives of our youth? We need adults to mentor and lead the youth group by attending monthly youth group meetings! For more information of how you can serve, see Pastor Colleen

Serve in Community Outreach

Purls of Hope

Do you enjoy knitting? Pearls of Hope knits mittens, sweaters, scarves and other warm items and donates them to benefit those in need.

The Ties that Bind

Meeting every other Saturday morning from 10:00-12:00, the “Ties that Bind” are a group who is passionate about making external signs of their prayers; they make and give away prayer quilts. The group creates prayer quilts, the congregation prays for individuals and ties knows as symbols of their prayers, and the church delivers the quilts to those experiencing difficult times. The quilts represent the support of the community for others. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, come and join us for a Saturday meeting! No experience needed – just a willingness to learn! Contact Pastor Colleen for more information:


For more information about any
of our service opportunities,
call Deb in the church office,
Monday - Thursday,
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

(315) 363-2450