Join us in Worship

Our worship services are held Sunday mornings

Weekly Worship Schedule

9:00: Family worship in the Chapel

This service is accompanied by guitar and flexible in format.  The Sunday School children and youth join this worship wervice for the first 15 minutes of each week for a time of singing and prayer.  Once every four weeks (10/10, 11/7, 12/5) the Sunday School will remain in worship with the larger community. 

10:30: Traditional worship in the Chapel

This service is a traditional United Methodist experience with pipe organ, choir, scripture reading and preaching


Mark Sermon Series

Below you will find the guiding scriptures for each Sunday sermon between Epiphany and Easter of 2011. Below each Sunday scripture lesson you will find extra weekly readings that will fill in the gaps between Sundays and prepare you for the material in the week ahead. Although extra reading is not mandatory to understanding the weekly sermon, it will provide a stronger and more intimate experience with Mark’s account of Jesus the Messiah as we travel toward Easter morning together.

1/9 Mark 1:1-13 (Baptism of Jesus)

1/16 Mark 1:14-20 (Calling of the Disciples)
This week read the accounts of healing found in 1:21-2:12.

1/23 Mark 2:1-12 (healing: physical and spiritual)
This week read 2:13-3:6.

1/30 Mark 2:23-3:6 (Controversial Teaching: Sabbath)
This week read 3:7-31 to fill in the gaps.
Read the parables of Jesus found 4:1-34 to prepare for Sunday.

2/6 Mark 4:1-34 (Parables of Jesus)
This week read Mark 4:35-5:43.

2/13 Mark 5 (Jesus heals on both shores)
This week read Mark 6.

2/20 Mark 6:1-13 (Rejection and Mission)
This week read 7-9:8.

2/27 Mark 9:2-8 (Transfiguration)
This week read 9:9-49.

3/6 Mark 9:30-49 (Jesus as Salt – Temptation to Sin)
This week read Mark 10 and 11.

********BEGINNING OF LENT********

3/13 LENT Mark 11 (Enters Jerusalem, the Fig Tree, Cleansing the Temple)
This week, read Mark 12.

3/20 LENT Mark 12 (Jesus in the Hot Seat: Parable of the Wicked Tenants)
This week, read Mark 13 and Mark 14:1-31

3/27 LENT Mark 14:1-31 (The Plot and the Last Supper)
This week read Mark 14:32-42

4/3 LENT Mark 14:32-42 (Jesus in Gethsemane)
Read Mark 14:43-73

4/10 LENT Mark 14:66-73 (Peter’s Denial)
Read Mark 15.

4/17 Palm (Passion) Sunday

Mark 15 (crucifixion and death)
Read Mark 16.

4/24 Easter!! Mark 16:1-8 (Resurrection)





These sermons are available in PDF format.
Adobe Reader is required to view the sermons.

[Sermons will be back up shortly!]

Contact Pastor Colleen for previous sermons.